Synonyms are words that are similar to another word in meaning. Synonyms for pretty would be attractive, fetching, cute, and appealing.
Synonyms for the word "declining" are receding, decreasing, reducing, dwindling, lessening, diminishing.
two synonyms for sympathetically are to care and concern
There are no synonyms of pakul in the English language and it's not even a word to begin with. Perhaps it was a typo.
clean, beautify, groom, tidy
There is a few words that are synonyms of the word acclaimed. Some of the synonyms words are praise, cheer and welcome.
Synonyms are words that are the same or similar to other words. That being said, synonyms for the word rampant are: uncontrolled, raging, wild, unruly, profuse.
Examples of synonyms of the noun 'journey' are:excursionvoyagetripExamples of synonyms of the verb 'journey' are:travelmigratewander
Two or more words in the same language with the same or very similar meaning (like "huge," "large" and "enormous") are synonyms.
The word 'inspections' has as synonyms the words examinations, check ups, contemplations and dissections. All these synonyms can be found in an English Dictionary.
it is where u die
They are synonyms. They are sometimes combined to form the word guesstimate.
There is no such word as aile in the English language. Since the word does not exist, obviously it cannot have any synonyms either. Non-existent words do not have synonyms.
Synonyms for the word "terms" are article, language and title. Synonyms are good to be used to avoid the repetition of words in articles or essays for school.