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The biblical King David is famous for slaying the Philistine giant, Goliath, and for building a great empire that extended far to the north and east of Israel.

The supposed reason David was accepted as king was his defeat in single combat of the Philistine giant Goliath, yet the author of Chronicles, which was a later rewrite of the Deuteronomic History, seems to have found this story so improbable that Chronicles does not even mention it.

During the course of the twentieth century, scholars began to doubt the biblical story of David's expansive empire, with opinions divided between those who continued to believe The Bible account to be literally true ('maximalists'), and those who detected nationalistic exaggeration and felt that Israel never really expanded beyond its traditional borders ('minimalists'). Archaeological excavations at northern sites, such as Megiddo in lower Galilee, found evidence of sophisticated fortifications that were immediately attributed to Kings David and Solomon and seen as evidence of Israelite expansion under David.

More recent archaeological analysis suggests that the archaeological finds in places such as Megiddo should be dated to a later century. Gradually, evidence has emerged that Israel and Judah were too small and impoverished during the tenth century BCE to ever be a threat to their neighbours, and that there probably never was a United Monarchy of Israel. A developing consensus among scholars is that David was, at best, a local warlord with a small territory surrounding Jerusalem.

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King Davids achievements were slaying of Goliath, and building a mighty empire.

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