Team Edward and Team Jacob.
The bitter divide continues to haunt the world today.
the most people in south Africa to die were black and they died during the apartheid
The whole country of South Africa. It was the national policy.
Pro apartheid activists (maily whites) and anti apartheid activists (including whites and non whites).
Black homelands, white homelands and Bantu homeland were the three homelands in South Africa during the apartheid.
britanism imperioliazed south africa
Hendrik Verwoerd was the Prime Minister during apartheid.
Yes he was
Sanctions were placed on the Republic of South Africa during the latter stages of the Apartheid era.
the most people in south Africa to die were black and they died during the apartheid
SA was not ruled by the British during the apartheid era. The country was independent for a number of years during the time.
South Africa
South Africa overcame apartheid in a good way. After apartheid got freedom and democracy