The positive effects of the colonization of Nigeria can be attributed to the positive impacts provided by the foreign investment in the economy of this country. The country saw an improvement in education, medicine, and farming. Also in roads, electricity and water supply.
Well there were 4 main reasons to why Britain became involved in Africa. These were Economic, Political, Philanthropic and Strategic.
Economic - Vasts amounts of Capital was spent in Africa, thus an infrastructure was created. There was an Idea by Cecil Rhodes of a Cape to Cairo Railway.
Political - Politicians realised Imperialism could bring them votes (not really relevant)
Philanthropic - This is charity work in Africa, many missionary groups brought Christianity as well as Civilization to Africa
Strategic - To stop Germany and France gaining control of Africa. E.g Fashoda Incident 1898 and the Occupation of Egypt 1882
Although many Africans today like to emphasize 'white exploitation' during the colonial years, the historic truth is rather different. Apart from the fact that the colonial period almost nowhere lasted for more than 70 years, many African colonies were during that period mostly seen as an expense by their European motherlands.
The reason colonization in Africa started at all around 1890, strangely enough was the fact that (in most cases) Great Britain and also France sought to abolish slavery there. Local rulers were very reluctant to abolish it in their lands and saw it as the backbone of African society and economy. Another oft-mentioned reason - often connected with abolishment - was the introduction of the blessings of the Christian faith there. 'Trade' was a very minor consideration as Europe could already trade as much as they wanted through their trading posts along the African coast.
The positive effects of colonial education were: a) creating an educated class that from very early on took an active part in the local administration as it had been set up by the colonial powers; b) giving the best and the brightest scholarships to study at universities in England and France; c) teaching and developing the technical knowledge to help build a local infrastructure of roads, railroads, electricity, phone connections etc.
Colonial education in Africa gave many black Africans their first chance of schooling in any form. Many earned scholarships to schools and colleges in Europe. ( not always to their advantage if they came back home after a shift in ethnic power). Nevertheless, many African countries now have stable and rational governments due to 'colonial education'.
Imperialism was more negative in India because it destroyed India.
it had its roots in european imperialism in africa
to support the spread of Christianity
The motives for imperialism in Africa is that Africa was considered primitive and left uncolonized by the Mother Countries. Africa was a battlefield for the Mother Countries for any raw materials, because the Mother Countries were running low of raw materials after the industrial revolution.
Gandhi defied British Imperialism, first in South Africa, and then in his native India for most of his adult life.
There weren't any.
Africa and Asia were the two continents most affected by imperialism during the 19th and 20th centuries, where European powers colonized and exploited their resources for economic gain and political control.
One of the positive effects of European colonialism of Africa is that introduced efficient system of administration. They brought the industrial technology wit them which helped in the industrialization of many of the African countries.
"Scramble for Africa"
Why did the boers and the British fight over Southern Africa
Why did the boers and the British fight over Southern Africa
Why did the boers and the British fight over Southern Africa
i really dont know
it was a big no no
how did the western Imperialism spread through Africa and Asia so quickly