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Ancient Roman Chariots were used for Competing in Races,Gladiators would ride on them

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Evie Stiedemann

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1y ago
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Q: What were ancient chariots used for?
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Where chariots used in Ancient Egypt?


What were chariots used for in ancient Egyptian times?

Battle machines.

What were chariots use for in ancient China?

They were used to get around and in war

An ancient horse-drawn vehicle used in war?


What were horses used for in ancient Greece?

In ancient Greece most horses were used to pull chariots and they were used for food if necessary

What else did Ancient Egyptians use for transportation?

they used chariots or camels

What were ancient chariots called?

It depends on the civilisation which used them. Each used a different name. Chariots were used by the Hittites, Assyrians, Babylonians, Egyptians, Greeks, Romans and Gauls.

What pulled chariots in ancient rome?

The Romans used horses to pull their chariots. 2 or 4 horses was most common but 10 horses were once used.

What is the ancient babylonian use for transportation?

Chariots were often used in Ancient Persia

How did athletes ancient olympic games go to the place competition?

They used chariots.

When was the first assyrian chariot invented?

Chariots were used in nearly all countries in the ancient world. The earliest evidence of chariots in Assyria are from 1700 BCE.

What was an ancient roman vehicle called?

Roman vehicles were called carriages, wagons, carrying chairs, litters and chariots. Chariots were strictly used in racing.