Bay of Biscay - a bay that borders France on the southwest.
English Channel - a body of water between France and England (in the U.K.).
Garonne River - a river that flows from central France into the Bay of Biscay; Bordeaux is along the Garonne.
Loire River - a river that flows from central France into the Bay of Biscay; Nantes is along the Rhone.
Mediterranean Sea - a sea that borders France to the south.
Rhone River - a river that flows from central France into the Mediterranean Sea; Lyon is along the Rhone.
Seine River - a river that flows from central France into the English Channel; Paris is along the Seine.
The 3 bodies of water that border mainland France are : the Atlantic Ocean to the West, the English channel to the Northwest, the Mediterranean sea to the South.
Atlantic Ocean
The Mediterranean Sea, the English Channel, the North Atlantic Ocean. France is not surrounded on all sides by water.
the Mediterranean sea in the south, the Atlantic on the west and the English Channel starting north of Brittany are the bodies of water next to mainland France.
Belgium is right next to the north of France.
The English Channel is an extension of the Atlantic Ocean which separates southern coast of England from the northern coast of France. It is a body of water which connects the North Sea to the Atlantic.
Mainland France is bordered by only three bodies of water: the Mediterranean sea, the Atlantic Ocean, the English channel. Every body of water not part of that list, does not border mainland France. The overseas departments of France border other bodies of water such as the Indian Ocean (Mayotte), the Pacific Ocean (French Polynesia), etc.
France is located to the north of the country of Spain. To the north of France is Belgium, Germany, and Luxemburg. To the east of France is Switzerland and Italy. The water to the west of France is the North Atlantic Ocean. The water to the east is the Mediterranean Sea.
The English channel borders France on its north-west, from the tip of brittany to the Dover strait.
The Mediterranean Sea, the English Channel, the North Atlantic Ocean. France is not surrounded on all sides by water.
The Mediterranean Sea, the English Channel, the North Atlantic Ocean. France is not surrounded on all sides by water.
The English Channel
The English Channel.
Belgium and Luxembourg are north of France.
Belgium and Luxembourg are north of France.
the Mediterranean sea in the south, the Atlantic on the west and the English Channel starting north of Brittany are the bodies of water next to mainland France.
yes, Belgium borders France to the North.
England is located north of France. It is separated from France by the English Channel.
France is bordered by the Mediterranean sea to the south-east, by the Atlantic on the west, the English channel in the north-west.