baby's dad's name is Dr. Jake Houseman playeed by Jerry Orbach
The little white mouse had many differant names from Niblets to Cutsie
Jerry rice's middle name is Lee. Jerry Lee Rice.
The duration of My Name Is Jerry is 1.5 hours.
Jerry 'The King' Lawler's real name is Jerry O'Neil Lawler.
A duckling.
A single baby duck is called a duckling, now make that plural. A group of ducks, however, is called a balding.
The baby duck is called a duckling or ducklings.
jerry garcia
Cariba's baby's name is Jerroldin(Jerry) No she does not even have one she still did not have sex! stella998 No, she does NT have a baby! berry1014 Guys, Stop! My I have son and his name is Taylor Timony! Not Jerry! :S Cariba Heine
All ducks that will grow-up white will start life as yellow ducklings. The beak colour depends on the breed.
baby's dad's name is Dr. Jake Houseman playeed by Jerry Orbach
Blue Yellow Green
The baby name of ANY bird is called a chick. Though many bird babies are called chicks, many also have specific names according to their species. For instance the name of a baby Red-tailed Hawk is eyass. The name of a baby turkey is a poult. Ducks have ducklings and Geese, goslings.
The baby name of ANY bird is called a chick. Though many bird babies are called chicks, many also have specific names according to their species. For instance the name of a baby Red-tailed Hawk is eyass. The name of a baby turkey is a poult. Ducks have ducklings and Geese, goslings.
The little white mouse had many differant names from Niblets to Cutsie
Her name is " My real baby".