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King Neptune a.k.a. Triton, the Sea God. Ariel's dad and king of Atlantis or Tritonis as it is sometimes called- a three-pronged attack. oddly the Trident coud just as well be an agrarian pitch-fork- which is a farm implement.

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The sea princess in The Little Mermaid is called Ariel. In the 1989 movie based on the book the character is voiced by Jody Benson. The book was written in 1837.

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Q: What was the name of the sea in the little mermaid?
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Ariel's daughter's name is Melody. She is the main character in the movie "The Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea".

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In the story "The Little Mermaid" by Hans Christian Andersen, the age of the little mermaid is not explicitly stated when she swims up to the top of the sea. However, she is depicted as a young mermaid who is transitioning into adulthood.

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Name the sea lord from The Little Mermaid?

The King of the Merpeople -- Ariel's father -- is King Triton.