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Q: What was the most important decision made by Benjamin Banneker?
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Related questions

What important actions made by Benjamin Banneker do toward the American Revolution?

He was a scientist

When did Benjamin Banneker accomplish?

I'm positive that he accomplished many things and one of them are that Benjamin Banneker made the first American clock.

What inspired Benjamin Banneker?

people admire that he made clocks

How many inventions did Benjamin Banneker make?

He made 5 inventions.

In 1753 who build a clock made entirely out of wood?

Benjamin Banneker

Was Benjamin Banneker a president?

Yes he made the white house

What did Benjamin Banneker occupation?

Benjamin Banneker was born on November 9, 1731.

What are some contribution to mathematics done by Benjamin Banneker?

Benjamin Banneker is known for being the first American-African Scientist in the United States. He is the one who made a model of clock of his own that last till' his death.

When did Benjamin Banneker invent wooden watches?

he made the watch in 1753 when he was 22 years old

What made Benjamin Banneker so special?

His works demonstrated the equal mental abilities of the races.

Who invented the first striking clock to be made completely in the US?

Benjamin Banneker

Did Benjamin Banneker built a clock made entirely of wood?

Probably yes