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The plot is that a weird girl named Stargirl comes to Mica High. At first everyone thinks she's really strange because she wears exotic outfits, plays a Ukulele, and sings happy birthday to people during lunch. Then, after a cheering incident, everyone one starts liking Stargirl. She joins the Cheer squad, but cheers for Mica and the other teams. Leo and Kevin decide to put Stargirl on Hot Seat while shes the most popular in order to get the most views. Unfortunately, Hillari brings a group of her friends and start yelling insults at her. After that bad experience, Stargirls popularity starts decreasing. During this time, Leo and Stargirl start going out. Stargirl teaches Leo a lot, but the entire student body at Mica High starts to shun them. Leo can't handle being shunned, so he asks Stargirl to become normal for him. She does and starts going by her real name, Susan. This plan doesn't work. So Susan decides that if she wins the oratorical contest, then she will become popular again. She does end up winning, but doesn't become popular. Susan gives up and goes back to being Stargirl. This makes Leo upset and they break up right before the Octotillo Ball. Stargirl still goes to the ball, but Leo stays home. At the ball, Stargirl requests the Bunny Hop and she starts a conga line of all the students at the ball (except Hillari and Wayne). The conga line goes out into the desert and no one returns until a some time has passed. When they do return, Hillari slaps Stargirl for "ruining everything". Stargirls only reply is a kiss. Then Stargirl leaves. She ends up moving away, never to be heard of again.

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Q: What was the irony of the end of stargirl?
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What happened at the end of Stargirl?

In the end, stargirl moves to ? And poor old Leo goes to Archie and finds stargirl little creativity place. And the question mark is for you to read the sequel.

What happens at the end of Stargirl the book?

At the end of the book "Stargirl" by Jerry Spinelli, Stargirl Caraway decides to leave Mica High School after being shunned by her classmates for being different. She leaves without saying goodbye to Leo, the main character and her love interest. The book concludes with Leo reflecting on the impact Stargirl had on his life and the lessons he learned from her unique perspective on the world.

Where does the book stargirl take place?

stargirl's office was in a toolshed behind Archie's house

How does hillari kimble act in the book Stargirl?

Hilary Kimble never liked Stargirl, and at times is downright cruel to her. Hilary rejects any attempt by Stargirl to be friendly, and blames her for ruining the school dance at the end of the book.

Who is Leo from stargirl?

He is this boy who falls in love with her but gets all confused in the end because of his relationship with stargirl is unpopular.

Who is the protaganist in the novel Stargirl?

The protaganist for the novel stargirl is of course, Stargirl

What happens at the end of Love Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli?

At the end of "Love, Stargirl," Stargirl returns to Mica High School for the winter dance and performs a selfless act of kindness. She then leaves on a road trip, spreading messages of love and hope along the way. The novel concludes with an open-ended yet hopeful resolution about Stargirl's future adventures.

Is the short story necklace dramatic irony situational irony or verbal irony?

"The Necklace" by Guy de Maupassant features situational irony, where the outcome of the story is contrary to what the characters and readers expect. The twist at the end, revealing the true value of the necklace, is an example of situational irony.

How old is Stargirl?

stargirl is in her teens

What is the denouement in stargirl?

the climax is when stargirl goes to the speech competition.

What point of view is Stargirl told?

Do you mean "What is Stargirl's point of view?" If so, read the sequel "Love Stargirl" It is about where Stargirl went after the Ocotillo Ball and is written in letter form. Most people agree that "Love, Stargirl" is not as good as Stargirl.

What does Stargirl play?

Stargirl plays a ukulele.