Pedro Cabral. The sailors of Portugal became the best in the world at using the route around Africa to get the products of the East. In the year 1500, one of the ships sailing down the west coast of Africa was blown off its course. It reached a land far to the west. The captain, Pedro Cabral, claimed this land for Portugal. In this way, a part of South America became a Portuguese possession.
A. He and his crew were never heard from again.
B. He discovered South America.
C. He discovered a new island for Portugal.
Type your answer here...natural movement
She meant that Lily and James has angered the wrong people - Death Eater and Voldemort - and had then gotten killed by Voldemort. She referred to it being blown up because the house was blown apart when the curse backfired.
Because the sandman breaths heavily,if it`s not sewn,the sand would being blown out.
No red winged blackbirds are not found in Britain and have never been seen on British land. If one is ever seen in Britain it will be a mega rare vagrant that has been blown off course when migrating.
in present day Brazil
In 1620 onboard the ship Mayflower landed in Mass. after being blown off course for VA.
Odysseus and his crew land in the land of the Lotus Eaters after being blown off course. The Lotus Eaters offer them lotus fruit, which induces a state of forgetfulness and makes them want to stay on the island forever.
30 degrees
a Portuguese vessel landed there after being blown off course.
Angle D = 36.8699(degrees) using tan D = b/a. Hope this helps.
Yes, I blown head gasket will definitely effect the emissions.