It was published in 1516.
Sir Thomas More (1478 - 1535), the ill-fated Lord Chancellor of Henry VIII (1491 - 1547), wrote the book "Utopia" in 1516.
Sir Thomas Malory wrote Le Morte D'Arthur.
Sir Thomas Sean Connery
On Erasmus' third visit, in 1509, he wrote Encomium Moriae, or Praise of Folly, (1509), dedicating it to More.
John and Agnes Graunger More
Sir thomas dale was an english naveal commander who died in august of 1619. Sir thomas dale was knighted by king james to become sir thomas dale of surry.
Sir Thomas More wrote Utopia. Sir Thomas Malory wrote The Morte D'Arthur. Sir Thomas Wyatt wrote "They flee from me that sometime do me seek" and other poems. Sir Thomas Browne wrote Religio Medici. Sir Thomas Littleton wrote On Tenures. Sir Thomas Crapper wrote nothing but thank heaven for him.
Sir Thomas Green was born in 1461.
Sir Thomas Copley died in 1584.
Sir Thomas Copley was born in 1534.
Sir Thomas Parr was born in 1483.
Sir Thomas Parr died in 1518.
Sir Thomas Drew died in 1910.
Sir Thomas Stanhope died in 1596.
Sir Thomas Stanhope was born in 1540.