one stick breaks itself, many break others
The north east region of india has the maximum bio-diversity
The Aryans that migrated to India were Caucasian people that were native to Central Asia. The natives of India were dark-skinned, and the racial diversity of the resulting descendants is apparent today.
diversity based on society
all the indians
India is known for its rich biodiversity and varied ecosystems, hosting diverse flora and fauna. It is considered a mega diversity country due to the wide range of species found in its forests, wetlands, and coastal regions. This diversity is influenced by India's varied geography, climate, and cultural practices that have helped preserve many unique species.
Mughal empire , but it was not completely Islamic .
one stick breaks itself, many break others
The north east region of india has the maximum bio-diversity
Unity in Diversity celebrates the diversity in India with its various and diverse cultures as well as the unity of cooperation between the different groups. Despite this slogan, in some instances, India has shown intolerance amongst its various ethnic and religious groups. Therefore, the term is open to various interpretations and is most often used as a slogan that celebrates cooperation between different people in a society and a sense of oneness despite physical or ethnic differences.
BiodiversitySpecies Diversitythere are 6 _____________________________________________________________________
Not "force", but perhaps a "strength".
we need to recognize our diversities well and us them as our strength. these differences and inequalities are more imaginary then the real.according to Dr. R.k. mukherji: "in spite of all this diversity in different fields physical,social,linguistic,cultural and religious,there is fundamental unity of india underlying this diversity"
Ancient India produced temples, religious epics, paintings, poetry, and literature.