Nonwhites were forced to live in separate areas from the white minority.
The Land areas act stipulated certain areas which could be inhabited by blacks and others which were out of bounds for them. Most of the lush country was out of bounds and they were forced to live in small townships and could not be seen in white areas after working hours.
(whites and blacks could not eat in the same restaurants)
Novanet Answer: Whites and Blacks could not eat at the same restaurants.
The whole country of South Africa. It was the national policy.
Apartheid was the official policy of the Southern African government that separated whites and blacks. The policy was heavily criticized by the international community and was eventually abandoned in 1991, though blacks in South Africa were not able to vote in elections until 1993.
Apartheid was a national policy of the central government of South Africa. No policy is a war.
South Africa
ostorodising them from things such as the oympics, sports world cups etc
In 1948
Apartheid started in 1948 and was thought up by the stalwarts of the National Party and the Broederbond.
The whole country of South Africa. It was the national policy.
by converting coal into petroleum when there was an embargo placed on south Africa during the apartheid
South Africa