

Best Answer

There is no definitive evidence or documentation that specifies Martin Luther King Jr.'s favorite color. As a civil rights leader and activist, his work and legacy are primarily associated with advancing social justice and equality. Personal preferences such as favorite colors are not typically emphasized in historical records or discussions of his life and accomplishments.

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2w ago
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Wiki User

9y ago

Martin Luther King, Jr. was African American.

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Luke Velazquez

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9mo ago
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Kaniya Heidelberg

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9mo ago
this answer was VERY helpful its for a project in school
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Miluz Estrella

Lvl 1
9mo ago
Thank you
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Miluz Estrella

Lvl 1
9mo ago
Thank you do you know What animal he likes
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Miluz Estrella

Lvl 1
9mo ago
What animal Do es he like
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9mo ago
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The Watley

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9mo ago
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Kemoh Tucker

Lvl 1
9mo ago
red blue white
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Vicel Sue-Manderson

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9mo ago
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9mo ago
this shi no help
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Marina Hernandez

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8mo ago
navy blue!!!
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Johnny Blackie

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7mo ago
what is Martin Luther kings favorite color
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Ashlynn Rae Clayton

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7mo ago
darkish blue??
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Lvl 1
5mo ago
Martin Luther king check here

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Wiki User

13y ago

black coloured eyeball

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Review Queen

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10mo ago
Dumb mf


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i dint no

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Riley Perdue

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1y ago


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Jennifer Dsouza

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Luke Velazquez

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9mo ago


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Miluz Estrella

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Q: What is martin Luther king jr s favorite color?
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