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iron was used to make tools for tecnolical achevments

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Q: What was iron used for in West Africa?
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What was iron ore used for in ancient west Africa?

In Ancient West Africa iron ore was used as a pigment. It was also used to produce iron. That area went directly from the stone age to the iron age bypassing the copper and bronze ages.

What Uses for iron in west Africa?

iron was used to make tools for tecnolical achevments

Was iron metallurgy started in West Africa?

No Iron Making Started In Egypt.

Which two uses of iron were most used in west Africa?

Iron is most commonly used for two main things in West Africa, Monuments, and Women's Toiletry. It is law that all Monumental figures must be made out of iron, and is punishable by death if an errected Momument is made of anything else. It is also law in most West Africa that women are not alowed to urinate unless the do so into a iron container. This is a very serious and sacred tradition, and it has been recorded women going days without releiving themselves due to lack of iron.

What technology did the nok introduce the west Africa?

Melting iron

What technology did the nok introduce to west Africa?

Melting iron

What hard metal changed daily life in West Africa?


What did west Africans discover?

The history of West Africa has been divided into its prehistory, the Iron Age in Africa, the period of major polities flourishing, the colonial period,

What was unusual about the west African iron age?

One unusual aspect of the West African Iron Age was the decentralized nature of iron production and metalworking techniques, which were developed separately from those in other parts of the world. Additionally, the iron industry in West Africa was closely linked to social status and wealth, with skilled blacksmiths holding high esteem in society.

What was The most readily available and versatile metal in West Africa from 600- 1450?


What is the tempo used in a West African lullaby?

the west Africa

What technology was in the west Africa in the 1500s?

the technology in west Africa in the 1500's was like they used lantern's for light