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In the first book of the Iliad, Agamemnon enslaves her, as a war prize and refuses to allow her father, a priest of Apollo to ransom her. An oracle of Apollo then sends a plague sweeping through the Greek armies, and Agamemnon is forced to give Chryseis back in order to end it, so Agamemnon sends Odysseus to return Chryseis to her father. Agamemnon compensates himself for this loss by taking Briseis from Achilles, an act that offends Achilles, who refuses to take further part in the Trojan War.

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Agamemnon had to give up his "girl" Chryseis; and wanted Briseis as compensation for doing so.

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In return for the freedom of Chryseis going to her father, he wanted a replacement "girl", a war prize captive.

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Agamemnon had to give up his "girl" Chryseis; and wanted Briseis as compensation for doing so.

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"Repay" him for the loss of Chryseis.

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The quarrel between Agamemnon and Achilles is driven by a dispute over a war prize, the captured maiden Briseis. Agamemnon claims her as his prize, but Achilles sees her as rightfully his, leading to a clash of egos and ultimately Achilles withdrawing from battle.

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What does Achilles lose to Agamemnon?

Agamemnon takes away Briseis - Achilles' favourite concubine (sex slave). This is the dispute which starts the story of the Iliad.

Why does Achilles leave battle?

Achilles leaves the battle in Homer's Iliad due to a conflict with King Agamemnon over a captured woman named Briseis. Achilles feels dishonored when Agamemnon takes Briseis from him, which leads to his decision to withdraw from the fighting and seek retribution.

Who argued over a slave girl in The Iliad?

Agamemnon and Achilles argued over Briseis, who was Achilles's prize. Agamemnon had to give back his prize, Chryseis, because the Chryseis's father was a priest of Apollo and keeping her is making Apollo mad. In return, Agamemnon decided to take Briseis from Achilles. This caused Achilles to stop fighting in the Trojan War and eventually the death of Patrokolos.

Why did Achilles refuse to fight the Trojans?

He was in a hissy fit because his commander King Agamemnon had taken over his girlfriend Briseis.

What was Briseis' role in the Trojan war?

Her character lies at the heart of a dispute between Achilles and Agamemnon that drives the plot of Homer's Iliad.