

Best Answer

Blade: Trinity

John Carpenter's Vampires

30 Days of night

Fright Night

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Q: What vampire movies do vampires burst into flames?
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Are there vampires in South-Africa?

Vampiri are everywhere, even in South Africa. Real Vampires, not the Hollywood myths. They do not turn into bats, sleep in coffins, or burst into flames in sunlight. And they definitely have reflections and do not sparkle. Real Vampires are people who do not make enough energy on their own and have to feed off the energy of others to stay healthy, whether through pranic (chi or ka) energy (PSI), or energy from blood (Sang). Where ever there are people, there will be Vampires also."

Why did San Francisco burn to the ground after the 1906 earthquake?

when a quake happens in urban areas gas lines may burst turning into flames

What burst into flames in the opeing of Bonanza?

The map of the Ponderosa and the surrounding land. If you pause it at that part and study the map you can see The Ponderosa, Virginia City, Carson City, Lake Tahoe, etc.

Average height of water balloon burst?

That depends. If you throw it up into a tree then it will burst up high. If you throw it into the ground then it will burst low.

What is the real resident evil story the movies or the video game?

The original story is from the video games. In my opinion the directors/writers of the resident evil movies did a very shite job, comparing to the games. The new afterlife coming out..just looks awful, they didnt get to put some of the things from the video games in other movies so they now have crammed so much shite into the movie its about to burst all over the people watching it in the cinema. P.s: no offence to anyone that actually likes these movies.

Related questions

Why does Vampires burst into flames upn sunlight?

they actually don't they enjoy the sunlight!

Are vampires afraid of fire?

no. not at all they only burst in flames when they die and become dust.

What happens to vampires when they go in the sun?

Vampires are make believe creatures. Part of the fantasy is that if a vampire is caught by sunlight it will burn up. That is why they are creatures of the night that must be back in their coffins by sunrise.

On Buffy the Vampire Slayer what did vampires leave behind when they were killed?

They burst into ash so that is what they left behind.

What can kill a vimpire by shining on it?

Sunlight is the most common way to kill a vampire in folklore and literature. When vampire skin is exposed to sunlight, it typically burns and causes the vampire to disintegrate or burst into flames.

Why did Dumbledore's pet phoenix burst into flames?

Phoenix's burst into flames when they are about to be reborn. When the fire goes out a chick emerges from the ashes. The bird burst into flames because it was getting old.

Do vampires turn to dust?

In some fictional lore, vampires turn to dust when staked or exposed to sunlight. This is a common trope seen in popular media such as movies, books, and television shows. However, the concept varies depending on the specific vampire mythology being portrayed.

Why are vampires nocturnal?

That topic is always argued about, some say that vampires burst into flames if the sun hits their skin because the lack of nutrients and pigments in their skin. Others say that vampires only come out at night because the people who are out at time are...tastier. No one knows for sure except for the vampires themselvs.

What happens to a vampire in sunlight?

When exposed to sunlight, a vampire's skin begins to burn and blister. They experience extreme pain and their flesh can disintegrate or burst into flames. In some vampire lore, sunlight is lethal and can lead to their immediate destruction. Overall, sunlight is a known weakness for vampires.

What year did the Hindenbug Zeppelin burst into flames?

It bursted into flames in the year 1937

Why can some vampires walk in daylight?

They have special rings and or necklaces.Theoretical humor:1000 SPF SunblockThey're not really vampiresThey're really half vampires and don't burst into flames; they just get really warm.They wear wide brimmed hats, long clothing, and gloves.

What happens if you stand on a cigarette?

You burst into flames :(