No this does not kill weeds, It will only kill insects.
because they kill plants which want to grow
why do we classify weeds
Weeds will Be Out on February 22nd !
Weeds are persistent because sometimes when you pluck up a weed you don't get the whole plant. Weeds are so hardy that if some of the roots are still there it can grow back. Some weeds also have seeds that can fly large distances on the wind.
Generally, no . . . but there are exceptions . . .
No this does not kill weeds, It will only kill insects.
To kill weeds with Tipp-Ex just brush it over the weeds.
It does not actually kill actively growing weeds but it can be used as a natural way to prevent weeds.
will to kill weeds you can go to home depot and get weeds spray and spray in on or around the weeds and there you go .
it will make your grass grow but it will not kill weeds=)
Agent Orange didn't kill weeds it killed trees to flush out Viet Cong soldiers and encampments. Agent Blue is what was used to kill weeds. Thats what you want to look for for weeds.
No, diuron 80WDG is not approved for use in livestock water. This herbicide is primarily used for controlling weeds in agricultural settings and should not be applied directly to water sources used for livestock. It's important to follow the label directions and restrictions for the safe and legal use of any pesticide.
Yes, chloride kills garden weeds.
Weeds are important because they kill certain insects. These weeds also look pretty and can add decoration to your garden.
Pull them out dduuhh!