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Mansa Musa traveled to Mecca,from Mali,in 1324.

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14y ago

Mansa Musa started his hajj in 1324. By then he had ruled for 12 years.

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11y ago

Mansa Musa made a pilgrimage to Mecca in 1324!:

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13y ago

His Hajj to Mecca. A hajj in english is a Pilgrimage.

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What significant event took pace during Mansa Musa's rule?

Mansa Musa led a famous pilgrimage to Mecca (the hajj) from Mali with a royal entourage. The trip, taking numerous months resulted in Malinese gold being distributed throughout North Africa and Arabia.

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Mansa Musa traveled to Mecca as part of his pilgrimage that every person in his religion had to do at a certain time in their lifetime. In this case, Mansa Musa traveled to Mecca with an extremely large caravan and gave out very generous amounts of gold to the people in need in Mecca and Cairo during his trip to the Hajj.

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Mali has had numerous Muslim leaders. Perhaps the most famous was Mansa Musa, who was a ruler of Mali during the 1300s. He embarked on a holy trip to the Muslim city of Mecca in 1324.

Why did mansa musa go on his journey to mecca?

I honestly dont know at all so someone please help figure out why mansa musa went to hajj A man named Mali-koy Kankan Musa had killed his mother (Nana Kankan), by mistake. For this he felt deep regret and remorse and feared retribution. In expiation he gave great sums of money in alms and resolved on a life-long fast.

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Darwin left on his trip in 1831. He went on HMS Beagle. The trip took 5 years.

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Darwin left on his trip in 1831. He went on HMS Beagle. The trip took 5 years.

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Where did Charles Darwin come up with the idea?

Darwin left on his trip in 1831 on HMS Beagle. The trip took 5 years. He came up with his idea of natural selection on the trip.

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