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use a leaf stone

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Q: What stone do you use on evee to get a leafeon?
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How do you evolve eevee into a leafeon in heart gold?

To evolve your Evee into Leafeon, get a leaf stone, and use it on Evee, and it will evolve into Leafeon! Have fun with Leafeon! -Garrett

Where to find a leafeon in platiumn?

you can evolve evee to leafeon by taking leafeon to a stone in the forest by the second gym leader.

Who evolves with a leaf stone?

metapod to butterfree evee to leafeon cacnea to cacturne

How do you evolve Eevee in SoulSilver?

Well, there are seven evolutions. FLAREON Use fire stone on evee. VAPOREON Use water stone on evee. JOLTEON Use thunder stone on evee. UMBREON Gain complete friendship and level up evee during the night. ESPEON Gain complete friendship and level up evee during the day. LEAFEON/GLACEON I don't belive there is a way. You probably have to trade.

How do you evolve evee to leafeon in Pokemon SoulSilver?

You have to use a leaf stone on your eevee. Sorry, I don't know where to find a leaf stone though. : ) hope this helped!

How do you evolve Evee?

In Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum, if you want to evolve your Evee to a Leafeon you go to the Eterna Forest You will have to level up your Evee there and once it levels up by one level, it evolves to a Leafeon. If you want a Glaceon, you level up eevee on route 217. To get a Flareon, you give Evee a Fire stone. For Vaporeon, you give it a Water stone. And for a Jolteon, you need a Thunder stone.

Where do you find jolteon in Pokemon diamond?

you go to heartome city go into the house beside it a girl will give you an evee use aleaf stone and you will get a leafeon .use a thunder stone and you will get a jolteon

Which stone is best to use on evee?

that totally depends on what type of pokemon you like best. if you like grass pokemon use a leaf stone to evolve it into leafeon, if you like fire pokemon use a fire stone to evolve it into a flareon, and so on.

What Pokemon evolve using a leaf stone in Pokemon diamond?

Eevee - Leafeon Gloom - Vileplume Weepinbell - Victorybell Exeggcute - Exeeggutor Nuzleaf - Shiftry I think that's all Evee doesn't evolve with a leaf stone there is a special stone somewhere and you need to be near that stone with the evee and battle with it until it likes you then level it up again and its leafeon.

What level must evee be to use leaf stone?

you can't use a leaf stone on eevee. To make it evolve into a leafeon you have to level up your eevee in the patch of grass near the moss covered rock in the enterna forest.

Evolve Evee In Pokemon Platinum?

by happiness (umbreon and espeon) by area (leafeon and glaceon) or stone (jolteon, vaporeon and flareon)

In platinum how to evolve evee into leafeon?

You level up evee in eterna forest