In the episode 'Back Seat Drivers' the Tallest point to a spot in North America, somewhere around Illinois, Michigan or Ohio. I think it's Ohio, but some people say the Tallest pointed more around the Michigan or Illinois area.
in the episode back seat drivers the tallest point to a spot in north America but like te previous comet above it has to be a state with taxies due to walk of doom. and a sese pool so mabey New York or a place that snows
Invader Zim was first created by Jhonen Vasquez .
Yes , Invader Zim is a classical cartoon .
Invader Zim is a male Irken. It's that pink shirt he always wears, it looks like a dress.
I thought he may live in NY, but I'm uncertain. =] invader luver 4 life!
GIR is the robot on Invader Zim and is voiced by Rosearik Rikki Simons .
Zim from the cartoon series 'Invader Zim' is an alien invader from Irken .
Invader Zim was from the planet Irk .
no, Zim lives in Ohio
Invader zim can be purchased on itunes and Xbox live.
Invader Zim was first created by Jhonen Vasquez .
Yes , Invader Zim is a classical cartoon .
By the look of the city he is in, I believe he's in New York City. Invader Zim Wiki says something about that as well.
Jhonen Vasquez wrote Invader Zim.
Invader Zim is a male Irken. It's that pink shirt he always wears, it looks like a dress.
I thought he may live in NY, but I'm uncertain. =] invader luver 4 life!
GIR is the robot on Invader Zim and is voiced by Rosearik Rikki Simons .
yes. you probabbly haven't ever watched invader zim if you do not know that.