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In the episode 'Back Seat Drivers' the Tallest point to a spot in North America, somewhere around Illinois, Michigan or Ohio. I think it's Ohio, but some people say the Tallest pointed more around the Michigan or Illinois area.

in the episode back seat drivers the tallest point to a spot in north America but like te previous comet above it has to be a state with taxies due to walk of doom. and a sese pool so mabey New York or a place that snows

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14y ago

Invader Zim's home is with the Irken Empire ; his Earth residence is never revealed .

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Who is zim?

Zim from the cartoon series 'Invader Zim' is an alien invader from Irken .

What planet was invader Zim from?

Invader Zim was from the planet Irk .

Dose invader zim live in myrtle beach south Carolina?

no, Zim lives in Ohio

Are there any episodes of Invader Zim available for download?

Invader zim can be purchased on itunes and Xbox live.

How did invader zim start?

Invader Zim was first created by Jhonen Vasquez .

Is invader zim a classic nicktoon?

Yes , Invader Zim is a classical cartoon .

Dose invader zim live in the carolins in the US?

By the look of the city he is in, I believe he's in New York City. Invader Zim Wiki says something about that as well.

Who wrote the Invader zim tv show?

Jhonen Vasquez wrote Invader Zim.

Is invader zim a boy or a girl?

Invader Zim is a male Irken. It's that pink shirt he always wears, it looks like a dress.

Dose invader zim live in the Carolin's in the US?

I thought he may live in NY, but I'm uncertain. =] invader luver 4 life!

Who is the robot on Invader Zim?

GIR is the robot on Invader Zim and is voiced by Rosearik Rikki Simons .

Is invader zim evil?

yes. you probabbly haven't ever watched invader zim if you do not know that.