Go to a Buck's Grandpa's house in survival area and He'll tell you some stuff. Then you have to go back inside Stark Mountain and catch heatran.
Buck is a boy
To get Heatran, you must go to the Survival Area, then you must go to the house right next to the Pokemon Center and talk to the kid. He will then disappear; follow him (he went to put it back where he found it, which is in the very back of the mountain.) Then right where the Magma Stone was is Heatran. You should probably save your game. Hope it helped!
Cheril from Eterna Forest Mira from Wayward Cave Riley from Iron Island Marley from Victory Road Buck from Stark Mountain
If your in stark mountain u have to get out to use fly coz buck follows u. And if u have time go to the back of stark mountain and u battle a legdendary. .....If that's wat u mean
after buck gets the magma stone go to the survival area and the house on the left of the p.c. go inside you will see buck talk to him he will say something about putting the magma stone back then he will run off then go to where he got the magma stone before and you will see heatran
He should be in his house.
] ==
Cerulean City
finding the magma stone
the game ends
you cant fight buck in Pokemon diamond and pearl,But you CAN In the battlefield in the survival arena after going up stark mountain and battling heatran on Pokemon platinum....When ever it comes out!!!!!
Once Buck takes the Magma stone from Stark Mountain, go to the survival area and go in one of the houses. Speak to Buck's Grandpa and then speak to Buck. He will leave the house. Go back the the place where Buck took the Magma stone and heatran will be there.
after u help him he goes to the "battle tower"
he went to the home on the left of the Pokemon center in the survival area
it can be both in blowout but in doimandrer it can not be both it can only fly
Buck lives in Twinleaf Town like you! ... oops ... that is your friend? my bad. Buck REALLY lives in the Survival Area!!! for real -edit- to be specific WHERE he lives, it's to the left of the Pokemon center.
Stark Mountain (where Heatran is)