use your consult-III diagnostic tool to perform NATS reprogramming on your antitheft controls. remember to reprogram all fobs at once
You can use repels Which you can buy and cleanse tags for your Pokemon to hold. There's also an incense but i don't remember what it's called. you use "repel".
if it is the podeum app for the poketech then it tells u how many times u ran into a certain Pokemon in a row, the higher the total number, the higher the chance of running into a shiney or unique version of that Pokemon. This can easily be manipulated by using max repels and the pokerader if u know how to operate the two to your benifit
To get a Glaceon, first go to Snowpoint City. From there go south through route 217. Then once you enter the area of Snowfalling go east and head upwards. There you will find a house and and a lady by the side saying that shes using her dousing machine on her poketch. Further up you will see grass ahead and an odd-looking icy stone in the middle. This is where your Eevee will evolve. Just level it up there and it will evolve into a Glaceon, (i copied from another answer)
Oiling prevents rust by repelling water. As we all know, oil and water don't mix, therefore, a coat of oil (or silicone or grease or something else that repels water will keep water away from the metal parts that could rust.The oil protects the metal form exposer to oxygen. (NovaNet)
NATS Holdings was created in 1962.
Vancouver Nats was created in 1971.
Nats are usually known as Little Flies to many people, Yes. These Nats Are attracted to Trash, Foods and fruits
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is this supposed to be a rude joke?? well heres my answer the reason that "nats" at my house is because im irrestibly sexy hahaha