Homer is the name of Matt Groening's father.
No, the names are just a coincidence. Homer was Matt Groening's father's name, his mother was named Marge, his sisters were Lisa and Maggie. Bart is just an anagram of brat.
Homer is an alcoholic because, as shown in the series 13 episode named "Gump Roast", his father, Abe or Grandpa Simpson, gave him alcohol every night to make him fall asleep. Homer got so used to this that he continued with his addiction to alcohol and has been an alcoholic since his childhood.
Yes there are many many MANY people named Simpson who are dead.
Homer named it, CompuGlobalHyperMegaNet. See the link below.
Homer is the name of Matt Groening's father.
Abraham J. "Abe" Simpson is Homer J. Simpson's father.
This is not a question however, it is a true statement.
The Day of the Locust
Bart Simpson has a dog called Santa's Little Helper and a cat named Snowball. Sometimes his father though ( Homer Simpson ) acts a bit like a dog!
His grandfather has never been named (as far as I can find) & is apparently still alive, but never seen.
It's not a named song. It was simply music composed for the episode.
No, the names are just a coincidence. Homer was Matt Groening's father's name, his mother was named Marge, his sisters were Lisa and Maggie. Bart is just an anagram of brat.
Homer Simpson has one brother: Herb, at one time a successful auto manufacturer, then homeless (after Homer ruined his business), then a "baby translator" entrepreneur. Homer also has a half-sister who lives in England.
Homer is an alcoholic because, as shown in the series 13 episode named "Gump Roast", his father, Abe or Grandpa Simpson, gave him alcohol every night to make him fall asleep. Homer got so used to this that he continued with his addiction to alcohol and has been an alcoholic since his childhood.
Yes, Zeus and Dione had a daughter named Aphrodite in Greek mythology. She is the goddess of love, beauty, and desire.
The Simpson family bought a puppy in 2012, and Cody's sister, Alli, named him Buddy.