Neutron degeneracy pressure, in which the neutrons themselves prevents further collapse.
All young neutron stars in reality are "pulsars". However, for a neutron star to be termed a pulsar, it's magnetic axis has to point towards Earth. (So we can see the pulse, even though all young neutron stars have a pulse, they cannot be observed from Earth.)
The "corpses" of stars may be white dwarves, neutron stars, or black holes (and perhaps "quark stars", but this is still very speculative). In general, the least massive stars - which also tend to be smaller - will become white dwarves. These are much smaller than "active" stars, but much larger than neutron stars or black holes. The more massive the star, the SMALLER will the white dwarf be - due to the increased gravity. Our Sun has a diameter of 1.4 million kilometers; other stars can be several times smaller, or larger - but a white dwarf only has a diameter of a few thousand kilometers. More massive stars become neutron stars, which have a diameter of 20-30 km - and an immense density, similar to that of an atomic nucleus. The most massive stars end up as black holes. Here, the only "diameter" that can be observed from the outside is that of its event horizon, which is directly proportional to the black hole's mass. A black hole the mass of the Sun would have a Schwarzschild radius (the radius of its event horizon) of about 3 km; therefore its "diameter" would be about 6 km. A black hole a billion times the mass of the Sun would have a Schwarzschild radius of 3 billion kilometers.
The name "neutron star" some from the fact that the neutron star is mainly composed of neutrons. The gravitational pull of a neutron star is so strong that most matter are crushed into neutrons.
A neutron star emits most of its energy at higher frequencies.
No. The most massive stars will leave behind a black hole.
Neutron stars, the dead remnants of massive stars.
Both white dwarfs and neutron stars match the description. Neutron stars are smaller, hotter, and denser.
Both white dwarfs and neutron stars match the description. Neutron stars are smaller, hotter, and denser.
They are much denser. it's the same with stars and neutron stars. Neutron stars are many times smaller than the original star but much heavier because they are so denser
Yes, as they begin to lose power stars can sometimes flare to be red giants, though most eventually collapse into neutron stars or white dwarfs.
Yes, there are even stars smaller than earth. Most are collapsed ancient stars that have become neutron stars and have masses slightly larger than our sun currently has.
Yes, there are even stars smaller than earth. Most are collapsed ancient stars that have become neutron stars and have masses slightly larger than our sun currently has.
Some massive stars will become neutron stars. When massive stars die they will either become neutron stars or black holes depending on how much mass is left behind.
Neutron stars are typically smaller but significantly denser than main sequence stars. Neutron stars are the collapsed remnants of massive stars, with a diameter of about 10-20 km, while main sequence stars can vary greatly in size depending on their mass, with diameters ranging from a few hundred thousand to a few million kilometers.
the simple reson is mass.......that is if the star under consideration is a heavy one, it is more likely to turn into a black hole and if it is comparatively smaller it is prone to turn into a neutron star or a white dwarf
Neutron stars are much more compact and smaller in size compared to nebulae. Neutron stars typically have a radius of about 10-15 km, while nebulae can extend for hundreds of light-years.
Heavy is a nebulous term. Neutron Stars would weigh no more than any other object of equivalent mass. (One ton of feathers weighs as much as one ton of bricks.) The difference is that neutron stars are much denser than most other forms of matter. This increased density comes from the fact that neutron stars are created from the collapse of a much larger star into a much smaller space on account of gravity.