you can catch lapras with any ball, just make sure you damaged him already
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well, lots of items are uknown to most people. but i know what all the pokeballs do. first, the pokeball. its a weak pokeball to catch weak Pokemon. then the greatball. its stronger then the pokeball and is used to catch average Pokemon. then the ultraball. it is even stronger then the greatball and is used to catch strong Pokemon. then the masterball. it catches Pokemon without fail (best for legandarys and theres only one in the game). then the premiumball. it is a tab bit better then the pokeball and you can get it by buying 10 poke balls at the pokemart. then the cherishball. its a event ball. then the luxaryball. it is only available at certain pokemarts. well that's all the pokeballs i know! see ya later!
Any Pokeball works the same for any Pokemon type. Legends like Zekrom, Thudurus, and Zapdos will require a higher ranked Pokeball, however; such as an Ultra Ball, Timer Ball, and Master Ball, if you don't want to wait.
the best way to catch creselia is to weak it and when its hp is red catch it with a quick ball.the quick ball must be used when you find the Pokemon and throw as your first ball without a move the best way to catch mesprit is to throw your master ball at it. (i havent caught creselia yet.) or you can use a masterball on both if its hard ue a quickball on either when their weak(i havent caught any of them im trying though)
MasterBall is the best UltraBall is next GreatBall is next Pokeball is next
Here are the types of pokeballs in Diamond, Pearl and Platinum and a short description of their effects:Pokeball - Your generic pokeball, you catch Pokemon by throwing this at them.Greatball- This type of pokeball will have better success than normal pokeballs on average.Ultraball - This type of pokeball will have better succes than even greatballs on average.Masterball - This pokeball will catch the Pokemon you throw it at without fail.Net ball- This pokeball works well on bug and water type Pokemon.Nest ball - This pokeball works best on weak Pokemon.Timer ball- This pokeball works better as more turns of battle pass.Repeat ball - This pokeball works well on Pokemon you've already captured before.Dark ball - This pokeball works best in dark places, like caves.Cherish ball - This comes with special event Pokemon and is not normally a usable item.Safari ball - This pokeball is given to you for the Safari Zone game.Fast ball- This pokeball captures Pokemon easier by trying to use it at the beginning.Dusk ball- This pokeball makes it easier to catch Pokemon during the night time.There are 26 different poke-balls from generation1-generation5.They are listed below:Cherish BallDive BallDream BallDusk BallFast BallFriend BallGreat BallHeal BallHeavy BallLevel BallLove BallLure BallLuxury BallMaster BallMoon BallNest BallNet BallPark BallPoke BallPremier BallQuick BallRepeat BallSafari BallSport BallTimer BallUltra Ball
A Master Ball
the best pokeball to catch suicune with is a great ball
Just be paitent and catch it with a pokeball!
Any pokeball will work but an ultra ball is probably best.
you can't catch monferno wild you have to evolve it from a chimchar
you use a timer ball
a netball or a ultra ball
The best pokeball to catch registeel is a repeat ball if you have owned a registeel before trust me it will work wonders for you i caught registeel with a repeat ball without even weakning it.
you through a pokeball at it and hope for the best
Best conditions are: Paralyze, Poison, or burn him. You can catch him with different types of pokeballs. I caught him with a regular pokeball. You will need atleast 40 pokeball of each type.
try master ball it is the best olviously