I am guessing that a majority of Indians are vegetarian. However, their are also plenty of Indians who are non-vegetarian.
Wrong. Majority of the Indians are non-vegeterians and only less than 30% are vegeterians. It is a false propoganda.
few conservatives are still vegetarian, most of the Indians are non-vegetarians (may not eat beef / pork)
I've heard 80% Well iam and all my friends It should be remembered that India has a huge landmass and over a hundred individual subpopulations and dialects (it is, after all, a sub-continent). That being said, vegatarianism varies from 70% in some regions to as low as 15 % in others. It is also worth noting that most definitions of vegetarianism in India are what we would call lacto-vegetarians in the United States, which allow the consumption of milk, cheese and yogurt.
Estimates suggest that 1 or 2 fifths of the population are absolutely vegetarian. Of the remainder more than half eat a mostly vegetarian diet, leaving less than 30% of the total population as frequent meat-eaters. You also have to keep in mind that Indians are a great source for vegetarian foods. So, after all this, the percentage of Indians that are vegetarian is less than or equal to 70%.
Dravidian at the earliest they wont kill any animals , they like a vegetarian. In the Mordern world dravidian used to take non- vegetarian.
No, Shahrukh is not Vegetarian No, Shahrukh is not Vegetarian
Do you mean people who live in India and follow Hindu, because that's who "Indians" are. The proper term is Native Americans, and calling them Indians is very insulting.
Karan Tacker is not a vegetarian. He eats non vegetarian food too. He has been seen eating that in parties.
No he is non vegetarian, in fact, seafood is his favourite cuisine
Vegetarian in karachi.who the hell ask such a stupid question.
No vegetarian would want to be a slaughter house worker.
No; Muslims can eat non-pork meats.
It depends on the type of restaurant. Most restaurants have at least one vegetarian option on the menu.
There are about 400 million vegetarians 6 billion people so that would mean 5.6% are vegetarians. Hope this helps
Dravidian at the earliest they wont kill any animals , they like a vegetarian. In the Mordern world dravidian used to take non- vegetarian.
According to the Indian embassy in Bratislava, there are less than 40 Indians in Slovakia.
It depends on your point of view. Personally i believe vegetarians are important because: It saves animals lives, being a vegetarian saves more green house gases than a hybrid car and it promotes a healthy diet if done right.
Probably a great deal of them.