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There's loads of things you could do!!If you have an account to something like twitter or facebook, you could find a friend online and chat to them :)or there are games, not all for kids,online books and movies,YouTube videos,browse online stores like eBay or amazin ( amazon reccomended ;) )those are a few ideas :)

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13y ago
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11y ago

online games you can play when you are bored:Roblox Club Penguin pirate101 our world wizard101 Video Games you can play when you are bored:playstation 1,2,3,4 wii wiiu ds dsi dsixl 3ds gameboy and any other video games you have. and you can go to the arcade cause i love it one time i got 800 tickets

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Can you play free online bored games?

yes i can play free online bored games on yahoo games website.

What are some activities to do when your bored?

play online games!

What games are good to play online when you are bored?

ego city is awesome

What do you do if you're a boy and you are bored?

Anything that will make you not bored like play games , text people, or go online .

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You are bored give you some advice?

Well if you want to NOT be bored go to an online games website or just go outside and play some soccer!

Does a lot of games have online play?

A lot of games do have online play. This makes the game more fun and you can keep playing, without getting bored, after finishing the campaign.

How do you make a friendship stronger?

Spend more time, if you are bored of shopping or video games, play bored games. Or even play charade's.

Why do we play games?

we play games just to have fun

What should a kid do when bored?

play games

What do most people do when bored?

probaly play online

What should a wargamer do when he is bored?

Play war games.