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Q: What occurs if the frequency of a force applied to system matches the natural frequency ofvibration of the system?
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What are the two factors that affect resonance?

The two factors that affect resonance are the frequency of the external force applied and the natural frequency of the object or system. When the external force matches the natural frequency of the object, resonance occurs, leading to a significant increase in vibration amplitude.

When the frequency of light matches the natural frequency of molecules in a material light is?

When the frequency of light matches the natural frequency of molecules in a material, light is absorbed by the material. This phenomenon is known as resonance absorption.

When the frequency of sound waves matches the natural frequency of an object the result can be?

the result is resonance

What is it called when the frequency of sound source matches the natural frequency of a receiver?

This is known as resonance. It occurs when the natural frequency of the receiver is equal to the frequency of the sound source, resulting in amplified vibrations.

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When can you say that a series is resonance?

A series is said to exhibit resonance when the frequency of its input matches the natural frequency of the system, causing a buildup of energy over time. This results in the system vibrating with larger amplitudes. Resonance occurs when the frequency of the input matches the natural frequency of the system, leading to a stronger response.

When a forced vibrations matches an object's natural frequency does it resonate?

Yes, when a forced vibration matches an object's natural frequency, resonance occurs. This leads to a significant increase in the amplitude of the vibrations, potentially causing the object to vibrate with a much larger magnitude than the original forcing frequency.

Do most objects have a natural frequency of vibration?

Absolutely not! Glass, for example (every wine glass has a different natural frequency), can be broken by a frequency that matches its own but nearby objects aren't affected by the same frequency.

The frequency that an object wants to vibrate at?

The frequency at which an object naturally oscillates when disturbed is known as its natural frequency. This frequency is determined by the object's characteristics, such as its mass, stiffness, and damping properties. When an external force matches the natural frequency of an object, resonance occurs, leading to large amplitude vibrations.

Will the amplitude decrease in forced vibration?

No, the amplitude of the forced vibration will remain constant as long as the frequency of the external forcing matches the natural frequency of the system. If the external frequency does not match the natural frequency, the amplitude of the forced vibration may vary depending on the damping in the system.

What is Amplitude resonance?

Amplitude resonance occurs when a system is driven at its natural frequency, leading to an increase in the amplitude of the system's response. This phenomenon occurs in various systems such as mechanical, electrical, and acoustic systems, where the driving frequency matches the natural frequency of the system.

Ability of an object to vibrate by absorbing energy of its own natural frequency?

Resonance is the ability of an object to vibrate at its natural frequency when energy is absorbed, causing the amplitude of the vibrations to increase. This phenomenon occurs when the frequency of an external force matches the natural frequency of the object, leading to a buildup of energy and increased oscillations.