they didn't know the things that the teacher was teaching them, they also had to retake the test because the people that graded the test thought they were teaching because they all got the same answers wrong.
Stand and Deliver? But the teacher in that was not "white", he was latino. Also possibly Freedom Writers, with Hilary Swank as the teacher.
there are alot of them but two i can think of at the top of my head is people can out you down but its your choice to get back up and always belive in yourself.
East Los Angeles, California
Two sociolody vocabulary words are given to students in the movie Stand By Me each day from the book A Separate Peace.
what is the moral lesson in the movie stand and deliver
The movie that featured a tough math teacher played by Edward James Olmos is "Stand and Deliver" (1988). It is based on the true story of Jaime Escalante, a high school teacher who successfully taught calculus to a group of underprivileged students.
Stand and Deliver.
Stand and Deliver (1988)
Stand and Deliver? But the teacher in that was not "white", he was latino. Also possibly Freedom Writers, with Hilary Swank as the teacher.
they could get a better eduction in math so they could have a better career than their parents have
Stand And Deliver.
The movie Stand and Deliver is rated PG because it has some inappropriate language and actions. Otherwise, this movie is touching and inspirational. I recommend this movie for viewers over the age of 12-13.
there are alot of them but two i can think of at the top of my head is people can out you down but its your choice to get back up and always belive in yourself.
East Los Angeles, California
Two sociolody vocabulary words are given to students in the movie Stand By Me each day from the book A Separate Peace.