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Q: What object s can be pushed pulled twisted and turned?
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What is torsion?

tor·sionn.1. The act of twisting or turning.2. The condition of being twisted or turned.2. The stress or deformation caused when one end of an object is twisted in one direction and the other end is held motionless or twisted in the opposite direction.Above retrieved from Answers.comViper1

What is a vivid verb for turned?


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askew, turned or twisted to one side

How do you spell pivoted?

That is the correct spelling for the word "pivoted" (turned, twisted around).

What happens when pwc steering control is turned to the right?

The back of the PWC is pushed to the left when a PWC's steering control is turned to the right.

Throughout history people have turned great ideas into useful inventions. Which word is the direct object?

In this sentence, "ideas" is the direct object of the verb "turned."

How do you shut off the hazard lights on a 2005 Camry XLE V6?

The same way you turned them on. Either you pushed them on, therefore push it again. Or you turned it therefore you need to turn it the opposite direction when you first turned them on.

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A passenger on a small boat falls overboard. How should this person be pulled back onto the boat?

The overboard person should be pulled over the stern after the motor is turned off.

A passenger on a small boat falls overboard How should this person be pulled back onto the boat?

The overboard person should be pulled over the stern after the motor is turned off.

What object has been turned in to stone on panfu?

The object that has been turned into astone on panfu is a guitar. It is found on the left wall of the gift shop, but you need to have those glasses on so you can see it!

How do you make sure power is turned off?

if the switch in the circuit is switched off, the power is turned off on the object.