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Q: What news reporters were known in 1912?
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Who controls the news reporters?

News reporters are controlled by EDITORS

What did news reporters do during the holocaust?

They reported the news.

What career is known for wearing bluetooth headsets?

Bluetooth headsets wearing is known for news anchors, or TV reporters, because they need to be in contact with the caller while reporting information and news.

Where can one find a list of Afghan news reporters?

There is no definitive list of news reporters that are working in Afghanistan because this would put them in danger from reprisals. The various news agencies also change the locations of their reporters periodically for the same reason. News reporters that have worked in Afghanistan include Jonathan Charles and Deepack Tripathi.

What do you call the people that talk on the news?

People who talk on the news are news reporters

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news reporters

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news reporters

Do news reporters wear shorts during news?

No, thoose are just roomers

What does a newspaper reporter do at work?

A newspaper reporter finds news for the newspapers.News reporters and correspondents (also known as journalists), gather news and information to keep the public informed about important events.

Who controls the news reporters in India?

the bad breaths.

What is a sentence for the word imbedded?

Some news reporters are said to be imbedded along side troops in war zones, so the reporters can send back news of the battles.

What is the simple subject and simple predicate of reporters travel to the scene of a news event?

Reporters - Subject; travel - Predicate.