As of 2011, Kenny Wormald has appeared in the following films. They are:
Kenny wormald pays Ren in the new footloose
It's Julianne Hough
Kevin Bacon plays the main character, Ren Mcormack in Footloose.
Some of the movies Kenny Ortega has starred in include Dirty Dancing, Bun Heads, The Playboy Club. Legally Mad, High School Musical 2, and High school Musical.
"Sister Kenny" (1946) shows up from time to time on Turner Classic Movies. You can search the schedule on their website.
Kenny Wormald was born on July 27th, 1984.
No. Kenny Wormald was not in the movie Super 8.
Kenny Wormald is 32 years old (born July 27, 1984).
Kenny Wormald started dancing when he was six years old.
No. As of October 2011, Julianne Hough is dating Ryan Seacrest and Kenny Wormald is currently dating Lauren Bennett.
Stoughton, Massachusetts.
it is ....... find out and ask at and i will tell you!
No but now he is he was before with Lauren Bennett
Kenny Wormald
Kenny wormald pays Ren in the new footloose
his name is Kenny wormald
She is dating Kenny Wormald, who stars in the new movie 'Footloose'