Colin Farrel has starred in many different films. He starred in the remake of Total Recall, Horrible Bosses, Daredevil, Minority Report, and In Bruges. He also guest starred in an episode of Scrubs.
Sylvester Stallone starred in all of the rocky movies.
The actor, Simon Rex, has starred in many movies. Some of the movies that he has starred in include Scary Movie 4, Rise: Blood Hunter, Project X, and Scary Movie 5.
Colin Farrell and Bruce Willis.
no, only Hugh jackman did. Colin Farrel however played Bullseye in the film Daredevil.
Colin Farrell
Pierce Brosnan,Colin Farrel and many other singers and actors are from Ireland
Colin Firth and Nia Long both starred in the movie "The Secret Laughter of Women."
Sylvester Stallone starred in all of the rocky movies.
Some celebrities beginning with C are: Christina Aguilera, Colin Farrel, Christian Slater, Cher. There are more, of course.
Colin Firth