In the movie of the musical version of Les Miserables, that was released in theaters in Dec 2012 and on DVD in March 2013. Yes, Colm Wilkinson is in this movie. He plays the bishop in the movie.
Tom Hooper
Please specify the character and/or movie in question.
The 2012 film Les Miserables is 2 hours and 38 minutes long.
A movie version is in the works and was announced at the end of the 25th anniversary concert.UpdateThe 2012 film Les Miserables opened on Christmas Day.
The main character known as Prisoner 24601 in the musical Les Misrables is Jean Valjean.
The main character in "Les Miserables"
The very rich (Very mean) movie producer. Its hard to tell its him though
Lafitte is a character in the musical Les Misérables who leads the revolutionaries at the barricade alongside Enjolras. He is portrayed as passionate and determined in fighting for the cause of the revolution.
Anne Hathaway plays the character Fantine in Les Misérables. Fantine is a struggling single mother who is forced to work in desperate conditions to provide for her daughter Cosette. Hathaway won an Academy Award for her performance in this role.
Les intouchables.the movie characters are called "les incorruptibles"
les personnages are the characters (in a play, novel, movie) in French.
Bamatabois is a minor character in Les Misérables and his age is not explicitly mentioned in the book.
In the movie of the musical version of Les Miserables, that was released in theaters in Dec 2012 and on DVD in March 2013. Yes, Colm Wilkinson is in this movie. He plays the bishop in the movie.
The character bulkhead is from the movie transformers. The movie with bulkhead came out in the year 2004.
Jean Follain has written: 'Les uns et les autres' -- subject(s): Character sketches
Tom Hooper