They never make up, in InuYasha the movie 3 they work together but they still fight after that.
Definitely 'cause they are bith so quit and emotionless. They'd make such a cute couple. Plus they're both wolfish:)
No he dose not kiss any one but i think he likes rin i think they should make them older and make new seires of inuyasha.
Sesshomaru seems ambivalent when it comes to emotions like love. If asked about them, he would most likely say that he doesn't feel them (that they are "human emotions") or that he just doesn't care.Kagura, despite being an incarnation of Naraku's, definitely appeared to have feelings for Sesshomaru. Signs of significant emotions from Sesshomaru for Kagura are hinted at but not blatantly. He does destroy his only fighting sword in battle for her and vow to avenge her. It is stated that because of her Sesshomaru's cold heart has changed in episode 3 of the Final Act. Since it was definitely Kagura and not Rin who significantly altered his heart, it is implied that the kind of feelings Sesshomaru had for Kagura were unique to Kagura.Sesshomaru appears to care deeply for Rin, allowing her to journey with him and even going into the Underworld to get her soul back, but it is never indicated if his "feelings" for her are father-like, romantic, or simply tolerant. At the end of Inuyasha: Kanketsuhen (Inuyasha: The Final Act in English), Rin is staying in the village with Kaede, Kagome and the others, but Sesshomaru does visit on occasion, bringing gifts to Rin including a new kimono.The narration indicates that Rin needs to learn human ways, and when she is old enough, she can make the choice about where she wants to live. Presumably, her alternatives are to live with Sesshomaru (a demon) or in the village (with humans and Inuyasha).The fact that Sesshomaru continues to visit Rin despite her having settled in the village seems to indicate he does have some feelings for her beyond tolerance, but it's never shown or stated just what they are.
Your question doesn't make any sense at all. First of al Inuyasha was born a half-demon so how can he turn into a half-demon if he's already one. And second InuYasha has transformed into a full blooded demon more than once (but each time he does he begins to lose more and more of himself) and eventually it may/will come to the point where Inuyasha won't be able to tell 'friends from foes' and start to attack his friends too. (And this only happens when his life is in danger that's why Inuyasha and Sesshomaru's Father entrusted Tetsaiga to Inuyasha and Tensegia to Sesshomaru). And during the Night of the New Moon Inuyasha loses his demon traits and becomes human for the night.
The Final Act is the last season of Inuyasha. It covers the final volumes of the manga. It is unlikely the series will continue, but they may make another movie.
well he was angry because his brother , Inuyasha, got Tetsusaiga . So he fought with him but lost his arm in the battle. But he continues to try to win it . But that does not make him Evil . he is good because in spite of being a demon , he saved Rin.
Sesshomaru helps inuyasha kill naruku in the "Final Act" and goes back off to the western lands to make a new empire or city or w/e it is for demons and leaves rin in a village but visits often.
Inuyasha is half dog demon and half human. Hes a dog-demon, you could say.
Definitely 'cause they are bith so quit and emotionless. They'd make such a cute couple. Plus they're both wolfish:)
they dont hate each other if you read ch 407 you see inuyasha cares well idk about sesshomaru-Inuyasha hates Sesshoumaru because Sesshoumaru hates him. Sesshoumaru hates him because its because of him and his mother that their father is dead. Also, even though Sessh was devoted to their father and he asked for tetsusaiga so he could be as strong as him, his dad gave the sword to Inuyasha. Sesshoumaru really does care about Inuyasha though, he just doesnt know what to make of all these "feelings" hes having now.Not only that but Sesshomaru blames him for their father's death.A completely messed up thought considering Ryuukatsusei was the actual reason he died.^an idiotic thought considering Inutaisho was still alive after he finished of Ryukatsusei. If inutaisho hadn't gone to inuyasha and his mother's rescue he would've healed and not died in fight to death with the grudge-holding takemaru.
Most likely they won't make another InuYasha movie. I'd like them to make one, but it might not happen. If they did make one, it would probably be after InuYasha Final Act comes out in the US. I'm making my own movie five story, including an original character. If you're interested in reading it, leave a message on my messageboard.
No he dose not kiss any one but i think he likes rin i think they should make them older and make new seires of inuyasha.
Why? Hmm. lets think about this for a minute.Ever noticed in season 7 how naraku isn't dead, but in the manga he is? and Sesshomaru and InuYasha have all these other tricks that they can't do in the anime?Also, probably that the directors were getting too much hate mail from fangirls when they weren't going to make another season.
Sesshomaru seems ambivalent when it comes to emotions like love. If asked about them, he would most likely say that he doesn't feel them (that they are "human emotions") or that he just doesn't care.Kagura, despite being an incarnation of Naraku's, definitely appeared to have feelings for Sesshomaru. Signs of significant emotions from Sesshomaru for Kagura are hinted at but not blatantly. He does destroy his only fighting sword in battle for her and vow to avenge her. It is stated that because of her Sesshomaru's cold heart has changed in episode 3 of the Final Act. Since it was definitely Kagura and not Rin who significantly altered his heart, it is implied that the kind of feelings Sesshomaru had for Kagura were unique to Kagura.Sesshomaru appears to care deeply for Rin, allowing her to journey with him and even going into the Underworld to get her soul back, but it is never indicated if his "feelings" for her are father-like, romantic, or simply tolerant. At the end of Inuyasha: Kanketsuhen (Inuyasha: The Final Act in English), Rin is staying in the village with Kaede, Kagome and the others, but Sesshomaru does visit on occasion, bringing gifts to Rin including a new kimono.The narration indicates that Rin needs to learn human ways, and when she is old enough, she can make the choice about where she wants to live. Presumably, her alternatives are to live with Sesshomaru (a demon) or in the village (with humans and Inuyasha).The fact that Sesshomaru continues to visit Rin despite her having settled in the village seems to indicate he does have some feelings for her beyond tolerance, but it's never shown or stated just what they are.
Your question doesn't make any sense at all. First of al Inuyasha was born a half-demon so how can he turn into a half-demon if he's already one. And second InuYasha has transformed into a full blooded demon more than once (but each time he does he begins to lose more and more of himself) and eventually it may/will come to the point where Inuyasha won't be able to tell 'friends from foes' and start to attack his friends too. (And this only happens when his life is in danger that's why Inuyasha and Sesshomaru's Father entrusted Tetsaiga to Inuyasha and Tensegia to Sesshomaru). And during the Night of the New Moon Inuyasha loses his demon traits and becomes human for the night.
The Final Act is the last season of Inuyasha. It covers the final volumes of the manga. It is unlikely the series will continue, but they may make another movie.
They can't decide to make a movie out of the book.