Danny DeVito and Bette Midler starred in Ruthless People (1986), Get Shorty (1995), and Drowning Mona (2000).
The movie was called The Rose
Best Actress (Bette Davis) Best Supporting Actor (Victor Buono) Best Costume Design in Black and White Best Cinematography in Black and White Best Sound
It is a movie. It was released in 2012 and stars Billy Crystal and Bette Midler. It is fittingly rated PG.
Hush Hush sweet charlett
that wasn't Bette midler. it was Kathy bates in FRIED GREEN TOMATOES
Barry Manilow
Bette Midlers, The Rose or Wind beneath my wings....
The movie was called The Rose
All About Eve
and the answer is 'DECEPTION'
ruthless people
Best Actress (Bette Davis) Best Supporting Actor (Victor Buono) Best Costume Design in Black and White Best Cinematography in Black and White Best Sound