Audrey's Rain was filmed in Fillmore, California
Gregory Peck and Audrey Hepburn starred in the movie
Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers
Fred Astaire and Judy Garland
Audrey Landers dyed her hair red for her role in Double Exposure.
No, they never starred in a movie together
No. they were movie stars noted for their dancing that were stared together in many movies. Their studio assigned them.
Audrey's Rain was filmed in Fillmore, California
Gregory Peck and Audrey Hepburn starred in the movie
no but it should be
Audrey Hepburn Was Never In The Movie Aviator So Therefore She Did Not Fly A Plane.
Royal Wedding starring fred Astaire
Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers
Ginger Rogers in the movie Flying Down to Rio , 1933 .
Baby Geniuses.
In the musical and 1982 movie Audrey's full name is not touched upon but, in the original 1960 B&W movie her name is Audrey Fulquard; her middle name is never said.
Fred Astaire and Judy Garland