Cape Town is the city
Cape Town is in the Southern and Eastern Hemispheres.
Cape Town Cape Verde Cape Point Cape Alguhas Cape of GoodHope Are some capes in Africa,but there are some more.
Cape Town is about 35 degrees south of the equator.
the population of Cape town (south Africa) is around 3,497,100.
CAPE TOWN TO WINDHOEK1265 km North of Cape Town.
Cape Town
No - cape town is in Africa !
they use train
The Cape of Good Hope Province, Cape Province for short.
The capacity of Cape Town Stadium at Cape Town in South Africa is 55,000.
Cape Town
Cape Town was created in 1839.
No, Cape Town is in South Africa.
The motto of University of Cape Town is 'Spes Bona'.
Cape Quarter in Cape Town.
The Cape Town International Airport is approximately a half-hour drive from downtown Cape Town.