. Feldspar is formed throught a process in witch immense heat and pressure over a mperiod of time turns to a mineral. This process usually happens in the mantle. The mineral can also form in natural places, and it makes up 60% of Earths crust. Feldspar can be formed almost anywhere.
It is made up of a magnesium silicate mineral called Perovskite. For more information on the chemical composition and mineralogy of the mantle, please see the related question.
The mineral formed from sodium chloride is called halite.
quartz common use
Aragonite is a carbonate mineral it is a polymorph of the more common mineral calcite, it is mainly found in animal's shells.
Silicate is the mineral group in the Earth's crust. This contains quartz, feldspars, and micas.
Silicate is the mineral group in the Earth's crust. This contains quartz, feldspars, and micas.
Silicate is the mineral group in the Earth's crust. This contains quartz, feldspars, and micas.
you will find it in earths mantle because it is a kind of an igneous rock
The Earth's upper mantle has a composition similar to the green mineral olivine. Olivine is a common mineral found in the upper mantle, making up a significant portion of its composition.
the earths mantle is very hot were cornstarch is not hot at all
the earths mantle is very hot were cornstarch is not hot at all
one of the common minerals that make up most of the rocks of the earths crust
The three parts that make up the Earths mantle are the crust, core, and mantle.