What kind of shelter do mule deer have?
Today's Inuit people live in regular houses like you and me but in the past they usually lived in igloos or land tents.
beach houses
they lived in adobe
"What is the name of a Inuit snow house?" The Inuit word for an Inuit snow house is Igluvigak.
Inuit people (eskimos) build igloos
A house
The inuit shelters are igloos,tupiqs,and the Alaskan sod house....(Ann)
When the first Inuit needed shelter
An Inuit's ice shelter is called an igloo. It is a dome-shaped structure made of blocks of compressed snow and ice, traditionally used as a temporary dwelling during hunting trips or for winter shelter.
it is big
"Igloo" is not a language. It is a type of shelter typically built by the Inuit and other indigenous peoples in the Arctic regions using blocks of snow or ice.
An igloo is a man-made shelter. It is a traditional Inuit structure built out of blocks of compacted snow to provide insulation and protection from the harsh Arctic environment.
what kind of shelter does a tapir have