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Federal Republic Federal Republic Federal Republic

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13y ago

India now has a democratic government! as of 2011

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15y ago

The type of India government is Federal and Democratic, I read on it on Googley lol. -AngelFire14

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7y ago


its a federal republic

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Q: What type of government does India have today?
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What type of government is India called?

"union" or "central" government

Is India a communist country or not?

No, India is not a communist country. The type of government is, federal republic.

How is a government formed in India?

The government of India is democratic, the citizens of India choose their president through the ballot.

Who is the leader of the government in India?

Prime Minister leads the Government of India.

What is the name of the largest bank in India?

The largest bank in India is State Bank of India. State Bank of India is a government bank. The Government of India owns the bank and controls the functioning of the bank. All employees of SBI are considered government employees and they are directly answerable to the government of India.

Related questions

What is the type of governmnent India have?

India have federal type of government in which there are 28 state government and 1 Central government

What is the name of the government India has today?


What type of government is India called?

"union" or "central" government

What type of governments are present today?

the present government today are the municipal government provincial government & the federal government

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Is India a communist country or not?

No, India is not a communist country. The type of government is, federal republic.

What is the form of government in India?

India has a federal formed government. India is a sovereignty, a democratic republic. It is socialist and secular. Today the Indian central government tends to be more powerful statewide and has become more like a British style parliament.

What is the type of government in India?

democracy. it is the largest democracy in asia.

What is adar card?

it is a type of identity card given by the government of India to identify him/her as citizen of india

Type of Government in India?

It is a Democratic Republic having a Constitution providing a government by the elected people.