on Pokemon diamond-pearl-and platinum u need the item the member card and right now (august 3)-(September 13) on platinum u can get it over mystery gift for all details go to http://www.serebii.net/index2.shtml and for how to get mystery gift go to http://www.serebii.net/platinum/mysterygift.shtml
Darkrai can be found as a Nintendo Event Pokemon in D/P. You need the Member's Card to enter a inn. You go to sleep and in the dream,you catch Darkrai.
You dont catch Darkrai in Pokemon Pearl. You can catch it in Pokemon Platinum at level 40.
You would need to get the Action Relplay at GameStop.
The item is actually called the Member's Pass.
so easy you need a action reply code so you can get there and catch darkrai
you need an event item to get in. to get the item you need the mystery gift. if you do in, you get to catch a darkrai.
It has no effect on catching darkrai... It is used as a hold item for dusclops so it can evolve into Dusknoir when traded.
to get that item you need to get a mystery gift via wifi. that's how you catch darkrai. unforntually, it was avalible october 2009 and is no longer avalible at this time.
No you need to get it from an event
you need a event item which is the member card
to catch Darkrai you should have the key item that allows you to enter a locked house at Canalave City... then you will be put into sleep waking at full moon island.. save and face darkrai...
You have to get the event Item 'Member Pass/card' then you can go to New Moon Island to catch Darkrai -Cha
You need to get an item from an event.
Darkrai is a dark type of Pokemon. You can catch one in Pokemon Diamond version on Newmoon Island but you need a membership card.
You needed a Nintendo Event to get an item to trigger an event to catch him, but this is unlikely to return.
* Get a action replay DS * Find code for Darkrai event * Enter code in to ar * Press L+R as your entering a mart * Talk to man in green * Take item to canalve city * Catch Darkrai
You need an event item to get in there. You sleep in a bed and have a nightmare, then find yourself on Full Moon island. It's the event that leads you to capturing Darkrai. There is a person there and you fall asleep,in your dream you are on an island and there is a Darkrai, catch him if you can he is amazing for a level 40.