This is a very ancient language spoken by some natives of South Africa. It uses a click made in the mouth and written as ! (the exclamation point in English). The click is found only in the most ancient languages.
Xhosa is a people and a language, one of eleven official languages of South Africa. It is the most famous language to be characterized by the presence of "click consonants".
It's not Xhosa. How , Njani in Xhosa.
wedding vows in Xhosa
what do Xhosa people eat samp and beans what Xhosa people wear a coloured cloth white,brown.
His native language is Xhosa His native language is Xhosa
How are you...Unjani
It's not Xhosa. How , Njani in Xhosa.
It's Pata pata (Name of a dance). It's in Xhosa language.
Xhosa is a languge.
Wind in Xhosa is "umoya."
mister in xhosa
"Unjani?" is the Xhosa translation for "how are you?"
Wednesday in Xhosa is "Lwesine".
wedding vows in Xhosa
Marginella xhosa was created in 1994.
The Xhosa translation for "king" is "inkosi."
The Xhosa word for spider is "intsimbi."
"Green" in Xhosa is "luhlaza."