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Verbalization is speech, uttering words out loud. The only difference between verbalization in India and verbalization anywhere else is that the language may be different (although anyone can speak any language in any country, and there are certainly Indian immigrants in many other countries). People may verbalize Hindustani, for example. India has many languages.

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Q: What is verbalization in India?
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Expression, verbalization, socialization, the arts, the joy of living.

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Synonyms:delivery, diction, enunciation, expression, pronunciation, saying, speaking, statement, talking, utterance, verbalization, vocalization, voicing Synonyms:delivery, diction, enunciation, expression, pronunciation, saying, speaking, statement, talking, utterance, verbalization, vocalization, voicing delivery, diction, enunciation, expression, pronunciation, saying, speaking, statement, talking, utterance, verbalization, vocalization, voicing

What is a sentence for verbalisation?

Some students find that verbalisation of their fears about exams can reduce the actual stress they feel when the time comes.After my friend and I experienced conflict, our relationship was saved because we were both capable of deep and thoughtful verbalisation of our feelings.

What does Aravian mean?

i dont know what it means but the numerology characteristics of that name are Expression, verbalization, socialization, the arts, the joy of living.

What do you understand by vocalisation and verbalisation?

Vocalization refers to making sounds with your voice, such as speaking, singing, or making other noises. Verbalization specifically refers to expressing thoughts or ideas using words or language. While vocalization is a broader term encompassing any vocal sounds, verbalization is more focused on communication through language.

What is the meaning of the name Alfonzia?

i dont know the meaning but the numerology characteristics of this name are Expression, verbalization, socialization, the arts, the joy of living

I want to find Synonyms for the expression in this way?

Some of the synonyms are articulation, statement, utterance, verbalization, vocalization, voice , description, portrayal, representation .

Is garlic a closed syllable word?

Yes it is. Both syllables end in a consonant and a consonant sound (gar lick). The unstressed K sound at the end of the second syllable also terminates the verbalization.

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