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What is the size of the coin? If it appears to be silver dollar sized it may be a Spanish-Mexican 8 Reales. That design features king Ferdinand VI (1746-59). The M and F are the Mexico City mint's assayers' initials. The number to the right of the shield is the denomination. The Mexico City mintmark is an M with a small o over it. It should weigh 27.067 grams and would contain .7980 of an ounce of silver. Collector value depends on date, number minted and condition of a coin, including amount of wear, any dents, scratches or cleaning. This 8 Reales may be worth about $25 with heavy wear to maybe $100 with moderate wear to possibly $200 with light wear. You might also try a library for a copy of the Standard Catalog of World Coins for pictures, values and lots more interesting info. You might find similar pieces on for comparison. This site is also a great info source: . Brad

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Q: What is the value of a 1748 Ferdnd VI D G coin?
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