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Q: What is the value of 1975 50c of South African coin?
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Its value is about 0.07c U.S.

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South African rand

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What is the value of a 1961 south African 1 cent coin?


What is the value of a 1966 50 cent South African coin?

R20 000

How much is a 1961 South African coin?

The value of the 1930 South African penny depends on the condition. In excellent condition, it is worth around $10.00.

What Value 1931 s african 2½pence?

There was no 2 1/2 pence coin produced for South Africa in 1931. There was a South African 2 1/2 Shilling coin dated 1931, and a South African 2 1/2 cent coin from 1961 to 1964 and from 1997 onward.

What is the value of south african 1940 1d coin?

anywhere from R50 to R800