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Q: What is the untouchables behavior towards others?
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What are Kshatriya's behavior towards others?

Kshatriyas were discriminative towards others who are below them in the caste sytem and outside of their family, their name means power and this caused a negative behavior according to this

Shudras behavior towards others?

Sudras are kind to other sudras but not to lower classes (such as the untouchables). So if a sudra walked up to another Sudra, that Sudra would be kind to that Sudra. If they were a lower caste the Sudra would not respect them as much as they did to the other Sudra.

What is shudras behavior towards others?

Sudras are kind to other sudras but not to lower classes (such as the untouchables). So if a sudra walked up to another Sudra, that Sudra would be kind to that Sudra. If they were a lower caste the Sudra would not respect them as much as they did to the other Sudra.

What is a vaisyas behavior towards others?

to eat pie in front of people

How does what you wear affect others behavior towards you?

If you were less clothing you expose more of yourself therefore changing the behavior of others and the attention of the opposite sex

What were kshatriyas behavior against others?

they behaved like camels towards eachother

How can I address and handle it when my five-year-old displays mean behavior towards others?

When your five-year-old displays mean behavior towards others, it is important to address and handle it by calmly explaining why the behavior is not acceptable and setting clear consequences. Encourage empathy by helping them understand how their actions affect others and teach them positive ways to communicate and resolve conflicts. Consistent discipline and positive reinforcement can help guide them towards more respectful behavior.

What is a Shudras behavior towards others?

Bhrahmins originated from Bhrahma and the rest shudras descended from demons.this is the belief.

What is a good behaviour and bad behaviour?

Good behavior generally involves being respectful, kind, honest, and considerate towards others. Bad behavior often involves being disrespectful, dishonest, mean, or inconsiderate towards others. It is important to strive for good behavior in order to maintain positive relationships and contribute to a harmonious society.

Self Sacrificing behavior is a form of what type of behavior?

Self-sacrificing behavior is a form of altruistic behavior, where an individual acts in a way that benefits others at a cost to themselves. It is often motivated by empathy, compassion, or a sense of duty towards others.

What behaviors are not allowed in the classroom?

Disruptive behavior such as talking out of turn, using electronic devices when not permitted, exhibiting aggression towards others, cheating, or engaging in disrespectful behavior towards peers or the teacher are generally not allowed in the classroom.

What is pagkamagalang?

Pagkamagalang is a Tagalog term that translates to "respect" in English. It pertains to displaying courteous and honorable behavior towards others.