Lede means members and boer means farmer. Ledeboer would thus roughly mean "A community farmer".
The English surname Dodge is from the Middle English name Dogge, a nickname for Roger.
There can be no translation for English names into any other language.
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The literal translation to English is 'a stroll', approximating the English surname of 'Walker'.
Hans Ledeboer was born on March 13, 1874, in Netherlands.
The English translation for the German surname "Traut" is "trust" or "believe." It may have originated as a nickname for a trustworthy or reliable person.
Hans Ledeboer died on June 25, 1962, in Los Angeles, California, USA.
The surname Wabomba is of African origin, specifically from Uganda. It does not have a widely known meaning or translation in English.
Lacroce is an Italian equivalent of the English surname LaCross.Specifically, the name is a proper noun. The English last name is a surname of French origin, LaCrosse ("The cross"). The pronunciation will be "la kross" in French and "la KRO-tche" in Italian.
His first name Wouter is translated as Walter in English. His surname Twiller means Doubter.
No translation for that surname.
Stiùbhart in Scottish Gaelic.
Lungo is an Italian equivalent of the English surname "Long".Specifically, the word functions as an adjective or noun in Italian. In both cases, the word is in the masculine singular form. The pronunciation will be "LOON-go" in Italian.
There is a rare Connacht name called Elfred/Elwood/Ellwood in English and spelled Oileabhard in Irish.
Linguistically, the name is English, but in a specific instance it could be a translation from bird in another language.